You have selected the Associate Teacher Subscription membership level.
This is a paid RMDC Associate Teacher Subscription Membership Level.
This membership enables you purchase rights on our online store to elite products not available to the public, such as Syllabus DVD\'s and notes and all the updates for 1 year January to December. It also allows you to enter exam sessions throughout the year. There may other products available to you such as clothing and other information pertinent to teacher needs etc.
Membership is per calendar year and joining past mid year entitles you to a coupon to the value of 25 to 50 percent of the yearly membership fee redeemable off any product purchases or the next years membership. In other words the full membership fee is due. Please ensure you follow up on this if you do not receive a coupon code.
All memberships are renewable by January the following year and discounts may be given for early payments.
The price for membership is R 800.00 per Year.